Diagnosing Heating Elements in a Few Steps

Now when a large number of people experience a lack of properly done hot water, they often blame the system for slowing down the procedure. There are so many myths that frequently talk about water warming devices getting increasingly bad at warming water as they become older.

However, this is not 100% true at all, a better condition 4 years old device will work just as good as a brand new one and in case it does not, then one of the most leading reasons will definitely be the bad heating elements. Replacing the elements or element in hot water systems is the thing which a DIY person can carry out very easily in a well correct manner.

The very first thing you need to do is just find the kind of heater you are working on before opening up your apparatus. Check in details whether it has single or double element? Many of the latest water systems contain two elements - on over the top and the other one at the bottom, but older apparatuses have just one.

The easiest method to find out is to go to the company's official website, punch in that particular model number and go through the specs. If one of the water heating elements is bad it could easily explain why the device is taking time to warm up the water in the tank.

To check which one is failing, you will be in need of a multi-meter. Simply set the meter to check resistance properly and place each and every prods of the meter on the terminals of the heating element.

Ideally, you will need to wipe out the element before minutely checking it. If the level of resistance is really very high, then it could indicate towards a bad element. There should not be much resistance but once you have found the bad one, just go down to your nearest hardware and fitting material store to buy replacement of the elements of the Alkaline heaters.